To retain healthy and balanced blood is to retain a lease on well-being. Healthy blood is also the source of well-being to the six major, and hundreds of minor body glands. The work of six principal glands - Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenals, Pancreas, and Gonads - is fed and kept by the blood. They are greatly influenced by blood. These glands are the source of your well-being. They must work like a well-balanced orchestra. They must work as a perfect team. – Carl Jurak, 1945
In 1943, after having discovered the magic of tonic herbs, Anthony Carl Jurak's father began to market his preparation, which he called Matonol, and which today is known as JC Tonic®. He correctly conceived the idea that there were a select number of "super herbs" that existed, which would be beneficial to mankind since they have the ability to balance the systems in the body.
JC Tonic® keeps the blood healthy by helping to regulate blood chemical and biological balance. It contains rich sources of trace minerals and organic acids to supplement the blood chemistry if lacking. It contributes to keeping blood in good shape to do its job of giving life and well-being to the body.
JC Tonic® gives to the blood peculiar health-giving substances, which balance, purify and activate the blood, which in turn influences your body glands, and these, in turn, regulate the system and create conditions which bring you well-being.
JC Tonic® will keep you feeling youthful. If your blood is clean and pure and able to do its job properly, you will be younger-make no mistake about it. You will look younger, you will feel younger, you will think younger!
JC Tonic® emphasizes balance and longevity; counteracts stress; balances the immune system; improves endurance; increases physical and mental energy; stamina; and circulation; boosts mental alertness; aids in maintaining an even temperament; escalates energy level; and therefore works as an amazing youth solution.